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Akron Rotary Camp Canoe Seat Design Team
Project Liaison: Garret Freund
Current Team Members:
Garret Freund
Jazmin Buenrostro
Charles Cassaro
Michael Cassaro
Austin Fowkes
Andrew Markja
John Martus
Nicole Sena
Lindsey White
Zach Zatta
Austin Zody
Past Team Members:
Mike Finer
Josh Weber

The Akron Rotary Camp is a camp put on by the Akron YMCA for kids with special needs. They are looking for an inclined, removable seat to put on their canoes that campers use during the summer. A previous phase of this project was completed that produced stability outriggers to prevent the tipping of the canoe.
The latest updates:
The seat is built! The team is now writing instructions for use.

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