Parkinson Bike
Project Liaison: Lindsey White
Working in conjunction with the senior design project of several mechanical engineering seniors, this ESDT project seeks to adapt a bike for use by a gentleman with Parkinson. The team plans to stabilize and adapt the bike so that it is easier to ride.
Progress Update:
The team has a design to stabilize the bike and make usage easier. Stabilizer prototype has been added to the bike. Team has 3D printed a support to adjust handlebar higher. Team has removed brakes and chains in order to spray paint the bike.
Next Step:
Team will need to rewire brake lines and reattach chain. Stabilizer blocks need machining in order to be attached to the supports.
Current Team Members:
Andrew Markja
Alex Swartzentruber
Andrew Pero
Jacob Zingery
Nicole Sena
Lindsey White
Jazmin Buenrostro
Past Team Members:
Keston Klimek
Michael Green
Sterling Roseberry
Shaye Tiell
Chris Tvaroch